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Works in Progress

There are some components that I am still working on. I’ll update this document when finished. I thought it worthwhile to post them here for people more clever than me. If you find a solution, please let me know

Table of Contents

I found a tutorial from Kevin Drum that I liked. It was another element that worked and then broke. There didn’t seem to be a way for me to fix it. So, I moved on.

The next tutorial was from DEV by Chris Bongers. It was easy enough to add all the packages required. I couldn’t get it to output the table of contents. I’ve also failed this tutorial from Timur Badretdinov.

This is what I learned so far. Astro provides a way to work with the content in your Markdown files. It uses remark; @astrojs/remark is included. There is a remark plugin for generating a table of contents. I still need to wrap my head around this.

Currently, I use a table of contents component where I add the headings manually. It isn’t fun. It takes time. On longer posts, it is an ordeal. Any help with automating this is welcome.

Getting a feature on Forbes is exciting. I knew that my traffic would go up. I wanted to add a related post component to draw people deeper into the blog.

I have this working but not in the way that I want. It shows three random posts at the bottom of each article. The issue is that I could not figure out how to get it to only show posts from the same category as the article. Or how to remove the current article from showing.

Recently, I found this article from Awesome Astro. It is a tutorial on suggested posts from Nicolas Mattia. The solution is to exchange my categories for the tags in the example. I haven’t implemented it yet.